The Best Eggnog in the World

Many years ago, my neighbor would make and distribute the best eggnog in the world to everyone in our little community in Mesa, Arizona. I eagerly anticipated the arrival of her Mason jar of holiday cheer each year. That one jar would last about eight minutes in my house. I desired more. I asked to be initiated into the art of making eggnog, she obliged, and I've been making it and sharing it ever since.  Thank you, Mrs. Briguglio, wherever you are. 


The Best Eggnog in the World 



  • 4 cups milk

  • 2 cinnamon sticks 

  • 5 cloves

  • 10 blades mace

  • 2 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract or vanilla bean, split 

  • 12 egg yolks

  • 1 ¼ cups sugar

  • 4 cups light cream

  • 1 freshly grated nutmeg to taste 

  • optional: 1 ½ - 2 ½ cups rum, brandy, amaretto, or some combination of these 3 




Combine milk and spices (except nutmeg) in a heavy saucepan and let infuse over the lowest possible heat for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, combine yolks and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until well mixed. 


Bring milk to a boil and gradually add it to the yolk mixture.  If you add it too fast, you'll make scrambled eggs.  After all the hot milk mixture is combined with the egg mixture in the bowl, add it back into the saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for 2 - 4 minutes or until it thickens to the consistency of heavy cream and coats the back of the wooden spoon. Do not boil because it will curdle. If you get a couple of little lumps, no worries, the next step is straining. 


Strain mixture into a large bowl, pitcher, or Mason jars. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until cold; overnight is ideal. Add cream and, if using, liquor. Dust with nutmeg before serving.  Another option: add ½ - 1 ounce liquor per cup when serving if you'd like both liquor and non-liquor options. 


Caution: This eggnog is super yummy, it can instantly be adopted as a tradition, and your family may demand it every year for the rest of your life. 


Practice With Maureen