We Are Never Alone

We are never alone.


We are connected to our loved ones, angels, and guides wherever we are. Our vibrations and form change, yet the vibrational being of a loved one, an angel, pets, healers or helpers, or those that govern and guide the Universe are present and available for us.  


Some energetic beings have specific purposes. Their job may be to help, heal, guide, or awaken us to a way of thinking, acting, or being. We might use many helpers for different events or purposes in our life. Following are some of my favorites I love to work with:

  • Saint Anthony is known to help us find lost things, and we can ask for help to find small things like those lost car keys or a misplaced piece of jewelry. H e also loves to help us with the big things, like finding a new job or a relationship. 

  • Archangel Raphael is known as the healer, and his legion of angels often are sent to help us heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Archangel Michael can bring us courage or clear our path of any roadblocks.

  • The Ascended Master Hilarion is the Chohan (keeper) of the fifth ray and a healing master for health, precipitation, and truth. He teaches us about the relationship between science and spirituality. He loves helping those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers, mathematicians, musicians, those specializing in computer and space technology, and those working with all media and communications. 

  • The Elementals are the earth spirits that support our environment; Earth (gnomes), Water (undines or Mermaids), Fire (salamanders), and Air (Sylph or Fairies).

  • Spirits of Direction support East, South, West, and North, such as the eagle (beginnings), coyote (learning and growth), bear (healing and purpose), and buffalo (rest and wisdom).


There are many energetic beings that support humanity. They are as unique as humans are diverse. Some people like to work with angels, and some may be more comfortable with saints, animals, or nature. They are ALL here to help, teach, and guide us on our journey. 


Tips for Connecting with Energetic Beings


Whether seeking answers to big questions or simply looking for peace, joy, and fulfillment, the helpers are here to lend their support. When we acknowledge the signs from the Universe through these beings, we open our energetic field to receive more abundance, prosperity, joy, and peace while strengthening the lines of communication between the physical world and the divine.


As you practice connecting, you will understand their presence and desire to help you. You will develop a deeper trust in yourself and the energy of the Universe.   


Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Set Your Intention:  Start by intending to communicate with them for healing, protection, love, clarity, wisdom, and support. This intention will help you to focus your energy and attention.

  2. Be Open: Set the intent to whom you’d like to connect – angels, guides, animals, a loved one – or just be open to all who want to help you. If you don’t know with WHOM to connect, ask your guide to help GUIDE you or ask for helpers for your highest divine purpose.

  3. Create a Sacred Space:  Create a sacred space to connect with them. This space should be quiet, peaceful, and free from distractions. You can use crystals, candles, incense, and other spiritual tools to enhance the energy of your space. Being out in open nature provides the perfect space as it is naturally a higher frequency.

  4. Use Visualization: Visualize your energetic being surrounding you with their loving and healing energy. For example, you can imagine a bright light or a protective shield around you as you connect with your angels or other energetic beings. This visualization will help you to open up to their presence and guidance.

  5. Practice Meditation:  Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting. It helps you to quiet your mind, open your heart, and connect with your inner guidance. You can use guided meditations or create a meditation practice that is perfect for you. Silence is good for some, while music, moving, or walking in nature may work better for others.  

  6. Ask for Guidance:  Ask for guidance and support. You can ask for help with specific issues, such as healing from an illness, finding love, or gaining clarity on a decision. Be open to receiving their guidance, and trust that they are always with you.

  7. Listen to Your Intuition:  Your angel guides will communicate with you through intuition, signs, and messages, so pay attention to your gut feelings, hunches, and inner nudges. Be alert for repeat words, messages, or numbers. Once you ask, pause long enough and be attentive to receive the information.

  8. Trust:  Be open and trust that the Universe always listens and responds to you. The Universe converses with us, so as we talk to ‘it,’ ‘it’ responds to us. Our energetic guides will help us align on our journey, even if you can’t see or hear them. Trust that they guide you towards your highest good and that their love and support are always available.

  9. Express Gratitude:  Express gratitude for the guidance and support you receive from your helpers. Gratitude raises your vibration and helps you to attract more positivity and abundance into your life. When we say thank you, we communicate to the Universe that the message or gift has been received.

  10. Make it a regular practice:   You don’t always need to be asking for something. Sometimes, it’s just important to be present with all the energetic helpers around you to feel their love and support. They remind us – we are never alone.


Join me for a workshop to learn more about spirit guides, healers, angels, and more.


Laurie Wondra: Psychic Medium, Energy Healer, Metaphysical and Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, Author, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Executive Consultant.

Laurie’s earliest memories are of talking with Archangel Michael in the hallways of school when she was in second grade.  In fourth grade, she began to channel and write with the help of a lovely ‘green energy’ that later became known to her as Archangel Gabriel and the Collective Light.   For as long as she remembers she’s been able to see loved ones that have crossed over.  Today she uses these gifts as a clear channel while working with people from all over the world to help them connect with their loved ones, angels, and guides.   Her ability to tune into the varying frequencies of the universe allow her to share this information and insight about past, present and future.