Health & Wellness Businesses are Trending Up

Integrated Complementary Healing and Yoga: The Numbers

Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center offers a tried-and-tested opportunity to meet the growing demand for alternative healing services, including yoga, in a consolidated, integrated environment.

The Numbers:

  • More than 35 million people practice yoga in the United States

  • More than 35 million schedule regular therapeutic massages

  • More than three million use acupuncture

  • 45 million use nutritional and dietary guidance

  • More than half of the U. S.  population uses dietary supplements

  • Another 30-plus-million use chiropractors 

Blended, more than 45% of the U.S. population is using complementary and integrated healing services.*

*According to the National Health Interview Survey by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2012

The sky is the limit, and now is the time.

Check out these studies and articles from Forbes magazine, Yoga Alliance and The American Massage Therapy Association.

Massage Therapy is continuing to grow, and yoga practitioners are at an all time high. The number of Americans seeking out quality yoga instruction is projected to continue it's growth.


What do you actually need financially to get started?


The Opportunities : Licensing Green Lotus Yoga & Healing Center


The Opportunity for You as an Entrepreneur: Licensing Green Lotus 

Don't start from scratch, start smarter


While millions of Americans use these alternative healing services each and every day – an ever-growing market – they most often must seek out single practitioners spread throughout a metropolitan area, relying on word-of-mouth, street “shingles”, and Internet searches. In this vast unconsolidated environment, consumers are frustrated by the lack of integrated centers that offer a multitude of services.

Why not just open your own yoga & wellness practice?

While it is relatively simple to open a one-studio yoga classroom, the competition is fierce, the hours long, and the frustration on the part of yoga students and others searching for integrated facilities is high. Green Lotus, with its history, its business plan, its website and marketing expertise, its educational programs, and its content, provides a turn-key plan and system to open your own business with assurance and support.

With a decade of experience, Green Lotus offers you, as someone knowledgeable and interested in alternative healing, a jump-start in a growing market.

With a decade of experience, Green Lotus offers you, as someone knowledgeable and interested in alternative healing, a jump-start in a growing market.

Market Opportunities

Green Lotus is ready and poised to expand throughout the United States. Targeted states and markets are highlighted in purple (immediate growth) and green (limited growth) on the map. With Americans spending billions on alternative and complementary healing treatments, including but not limited to yoga, now is an unprecedented time to launch your business.


Keep Growing, You're Never Alone

Training and Support for Licensees

Green Lotus partners and staff provide you the support you need to get up and running. As a licensee, you will get:

  • Brand integrity and guidelines

  • Business planning

  • Assistance in finding real estate

  • Management software and financial administration training

  • A powerful website

  • Training in staff recruitment

  • Certain policy and procedures


Ready to begin?


Getting excited? Good!

Remember: As a company we support healthy, balanced businesses and business owners.


Here's how Amy approaches living a balanced life as a successful Green Lotus entrepreneur!

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