Summer Immersion 200 Hour Teacher Training

Summer Immersion Yoga Teacher Training Program

Yoga Alliance-Certified 240-Hour
Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Yoga Studies

Register early and save $200!

I am so glad I made the most of my summer, the experience was profound, my practice grew exponentially, and the friendships I made have enriched my life. I feel like I am entering the field with confidence and integrity in my teaching.
— Kate R

The Summer Immersion program began in 2012 and quickly became one of our most sought-after formats.

Students deep-dive into the curriculum and sangha by attending four sessions in June, July, and August.

This unique program is perfect for people who have summers off or who have accumulated many vacation or flex-time hours.

The immersion into yoga study is deep and intense - and that is why students love it. Like all of our 200-hour programs, this program offers dynamic and highly rated content and the same experienced senior and supporting faculty who are dedicated to helping you develop your authentic teaching voice.


Register early and save $200!

Application deadline: we accept students into our program up until training orientation where homework assignments are given

2024 Schedule - Summer Immersion

Location: Lakeville


Orientation: Tuesday, May 21, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Session One
The Beginning Foundation & the Asanas

June 10 - 15

Session Two
Go Deeper

July 8 - 13

Session Three
The Teacher

July 29 - 31

Session Four
The Teacher

August 5 - 7

Session Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


I truly believe Green Lotus's training changed the course of my life. I am so grateful for the people I met at Green Lotus during the training, the training itself, and the solid knowledge of yoga I now have. You are wonderful, amazing people - thank you!
~ Alicia H


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