The Astrology of Leo Season


The ever-moving sky was a mystery early thinkers explained by carefully observing, recording, and interpreting the positions of planets and stars and using that data to understand the influence of the broader universe on our individual and collective lives. Astrology studies the connection between celestial activity and earthly events and has been practiced for centuries as a method of better understanding the human experience.


These first astrologers created early iterations of the zodiac, a twelve-sectioned system of astrological signs based on the constellations they saw moving through the heavens. The patterns they observed closely reflected the behaviors and emotions seen throughout human existence. Today, the zodiac still influences and explains many different aspects of our feelings and beliefs. Our experiences – the highs and lows in our personal lives, the strengths and weaknesses in our professional lives, the patterns we repeat in our relationships, and more – can be understood using the information found in our individual astrological charts. 


Most people know their sun sign, and that is just one tiny detail in a much larger and more complex story. Professional astrologers develop a full astrological chart, which we can think of as a snapshot of the sky at the moment we were born. This chart includes not only the month and day of our birth, but also the year, time, and geographic location. A complete astrological chart can help us understand who we are and how unseen forces influence our personality and behavior. Learning more about your astrological chart can answer questions like:


Are you a quiet person by nature or more assertive? 

Do you tend to be more thoughtful or a bit reckless? 

Are you a creative type or an analytical thinker?

How do you behave in love, and what kind of partners might compliment you best?

What situations bring out the worst in you?

How can you find a meaningful path through life and all its challenges?


The same factors that influence us as individuals affect all of humanity. Astrology also can help us to understand what is happening in the world and guide us toward more balanced interactions and responses to the events happening around us.


We entered Leo season on July 22 and will remain there until August 22. Leo is the astrological sign that often leaves us scratching our heads and feeling unsure of others’ intentions. Traditionally known for drama and demanding behavior, this sign is far more than meets the eye.


Leo Sun natives (native refers to the subject of the chart, the person being studied) can be larger than life. Their energy explodes into any room, and they naturally draw attention from everyone in their radius. What’s not easily seen from the outside is that this attention may feel uncomfortable to Leos, and they often deflect it with humor. Leo natives do best when they learn how to thrive within this energy and become comfortable with people looking to them for leadership. 


The energy of a particular sign is amplified for people born during that season, and each sign and season affects all of us. Our individual sun signs mingle with the energy of the current placement of the sun, creating noticeable energetic effects.


Are you an air sign? Fiery Leo season is amplified for individuals with air signs, making everything they experience more intense.


Are you a water sign? Water slows fire down, making Leo season quieter and less turbulent.


Knowledge is power! Learn more about your personal chart. Book an astrology session.