Becoming Aware - What Is Higher Consciousness?

On the day you ponder higher consciousness, you begin the journey of awareness of your awareness. Something within has shifted and has created a pathway of discovery for you – let the adventure begin.


It begins with the subtle curiosity that you are more than a physical body. You sense there is more to you than what you see, taste, smell, feel, and hear. You know the energy or vibration that is yours and that of others. You feel a sense of being part of something larger than what you knew before, and then the fire ignites. You become a seeker of wisdom, knowledge, and experiences that you can't clearly define, yet you know there is more you need to explore. You know how much you know and what little you know. You may feel fear and excitement and wonder if others may think you crazy if you try to explain this new quest. 


Your adventure requires courage, faith, being kind, strong, humble, curious, and open as you begin understanding your heart. The is no right or wrong, and there is more than one path, as the Universe will lead the way. Our awakening to the understanding that we are an energetic being means dissolving one's self as a separate being. It refers to a growing awareness of reality, living fully from moment to moment, and understanding the connectedness to all. It understands our energy centers, the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and how we are energic beings experiencing a human journey.




Your mind is trying to guess what will happen, but its presumptions are too limited and predicated on previous experiences in the outer world. Your emotions will be stretched beyond the normal comfort level until they can maintain universal love and revel in the ecstasy of a pure being.


Along this journey, you may experience the following:


1. Physical body changes: Our bodies, challenged by higher energies, must adapt to these energies and shift to a higher-functioning frequency. You may feel more aches and pains than usual when you wake up. You may gain weight or feel fatigued. To integrate the new energies, upgrade to a higher-quality food like organics and more exercise to open the body to greater flexibility and flow. 


2. Sleep pattern changes: The need for more rest. You may wake up more during the night and dream more. Naps can refresh you, and you may find times when you must spend more time in bed. 


3. Body energy sensations: unusual body sensations like pressure on top of your head, tingling on your scalp, and movements of energy inside your body or your chakras. Pain, heat, cold, or energy anywhere in your body can feel like a flowing sensation or rush. 


4. Flashes of inspiration/creativity: These may be intense or subtler energies, including seeing inner images or colors. Your intuition may be stronger. You may have a direct knowing of something, a sense that something is right, or a sensation indicating the truth of something.


5. Old emotional patterns resurface: Awakening requires cleansing and healing of the deepest unconscious emotions and mental processes. It involves healing limiting beliefs and memories at the cellular level, ancestral and past-life. The Universe guides you to what needs action. 


6. Increased waves of emotion: feeling surges of emotions like sadness, anger, bliss, or peace for no reason. Acknowledge and stay present to the emotions without having to “do” anything about them. You are experiencing the healing and expansion of the emotional body and your emotional compass. 


7. Noticing outer signs: You become aware of meaning in symbols such as animals crossing your path or vision, shapes in the sky, number sequences, or other signs. 


8. Synchronicities: Your inner and outer experiences match up without any related reason. For example, you may think about an old friend you haven't seen in years, one who shows up or calls you. You may experience coincidences of events or people crossing your path to support you at the perfect time. 


9. Desire for freedom: having an intense desire to break free of restrictive habits which no longer serve you. Notice global events that indicate the wave of awakening, including the desire for unity, equality, and peace.


10. Paradigm shift in perception: A shift in awareness in which you see a situation as if with new eyes. You have patience and understanding and allow an experience to unfold without trying to control or change it. 


We can never know the phenomenon of awakening through our minds. They analyze and want to understand and therefore keep us separate. We can set intentions, practice meditation and spiritual techniques, and strengthen our connection to the Divine.


Yet, we can never make awakening happen.


When we come to a place of complete surrender, then awakening happens by Divine Grace. Awakening can manifest in a flash, or we may drift in and out of periods of awakening – bliss, and peace beyond emotional reactions – over years before it becomes permanent. Then we begin a new level once again. 


Laurie Wondra: Psychic Medium, Energy Healer, Metaphysical and Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, Author, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Executive Consultant.

Laurie’s earliest memories are of talking with Archangel Michael in the hallways of school when she was in second grade.  In fourth grade, she began to channel and write with the help of a lovely ‘green energy’ that later became known to her as Archangel Gabriel and the Collective Light.   For as long as she remembers she’s been able to see loved ones that have crossed over.  Today she uses these gifts as a clear channel while working with people from all over the world to help them connect with their loved ones, angels, and guides.   Her ability to tune into the varying frequencies of the universe allow her to share this information and insight about past, present and future.


Learn more in a workshop or group channel event with Laurie